Friday, November 30, 2007

All About Chin Implants:

Chin implants are a good idea if you have a barely-there chin. They add definition to your face and character to the jaw line and when performed aesthetically, the results are marvelous.

A chin implant can also be performed along with a neck lift, cheek augmentation or a facelift. The right combination simply depends on the kind of result you are looking for. It is essential to consult an experienced plastic surgeon to find out if you are suitable for a chin implant surgery.

The entire procedure ideally takes an hour, but if performed as a supplement to other cosmetic procedures, the surgery period can increase. The plastic surgeon makes an incision inside the mouth, or along the lower lip or in the skin beneath the chin depending on the patient’s facial anatomy.

Chin implants come in various sizes and are made of different materials. Surgeons accordingly insert the implant that is best suited for a patient. There are risks attached to certain implant materials and discussing the type of implant that will be used is crucial.

Health insurance can cover the cost involved in a chin surgery for reconstructive purposes; but a chin implant procedure that is performed for cosmetic reasons is not covered by any insurance.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California in Beverly Hills to know more about the plastic surgery options we have on offer for patients who want to enhance or reconstruct their chins. Our aesthetically inclined plastic surgeons are truly world class when it comes to delivering quality results.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Bullet For The Country And A Needle For The Face:

The geography of the Middle East makes it a very harsh land to stage battle in. Rocky deserts, shifting sands, enemy shrapnel and metal and houses of stone and mortar are all part of the landscape. When these blow up, the damage caused to a body can be severe and at times quite devastating. Around 28,000 U.S. soldiers are estimated to have been wounded in the war in Iraq, and more than 1,200 soldiers suffer casualtie from the Afghanistan war alone.

Some soldiers return with multiple injuries and deformities and require close to seventeen surgeries to get the body back to a semblance of normalcy. The U.S. military hospitals certainly carry out their job very well. They stitch, cut, slice, bind and heal very expertly and help war veterans to get back in function.

Understandably, that is just about the best they can do, seeing that physical well-being takes precedence over any other matter. But where the military hospitals sign off, plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery step in.

A lot of plastic surgeons provide procedures that help a war veteran get the best of his looks back. A majority of these soldiers come to surgeons with scarred faces resulting from debris, shrapnel and second degree burns. A nose hit out of place, smashed jawlines, cuts in the hands, etc. are also a common problems.

In such cases plastic surgeons come to the rescue with laser treatments, surgeries for the face, microdermabrasion procedures, rhinoplasty, peels, etc. By taking care of the aesthetic healing of war wounds, a plastic surgeon can help restore a soldier’s self worth.

The war need not be the end of a soldier’s potential. At the Plastic Surgery Institute Of California, we do our best to aid a smooth transition from a life of combat to a life of social normalcy. Visit us at any of our facilities in California for consultation and cosmetic surgery prcedures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sagging Breasts?

Gravity is to blame for these two dreaded words; or so most women think. But there are a lot of women who hold breast-feeding as one of the main causes of sagging breasts.

It is more often than not these women who blindly go in for a cosmetic surgery to improve their breast appearance. Breast lifts, breast reductions and other breast augmentation procedures are what they turn towards plastic surgery for.

But breastfeeding need not be blamed for breasts that have lost their perk. A study presented at the recently concluded ASPS conference relieved this concern most mothers hold. The author of this study, Dr. Brian Rinker mentioned that the number of offspring or the length of time each child is fed does not increase the sag in a mother’s breasts.

Mothers can thus rest easy in the knowledge that they can feed their newborns without worrying about a trip to the cosmetic surgeon soon after experiencing child birth.

A responsible view towards plastic surgery helps achieve the best outcomes from a consultation as well as the surgery. It is not necessary to hold plastic surgery as the cure for all anatomical deformities. What is more important is to view it as a step towards better physical appearance and mental outlook.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to obtain more information about breast surgery procedures. Accredited plastic surgeons are available to answer any queries that you may have about this particular surgery procedure. Till then, you can lay the blame on gravity for your drooping assets!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Closed Rhinoplasty:

Plastic surgeons perform a rhinoplasty using either of two procedures, closed rhinoplasty or open rhinoplasty. Read on to know more about the former.

In a closed or endonasal rhinoplasty the incisions are made inside the nose. One advantage of this procedure is it does not result in any visible scars. The scars that do remain are very faint and fade quickly with time.

A closed rhinoplasty is a bit complicated though and warrants the attentions of surgeons who are exceptionally skilled. Individuals who need to remove a dorsal hump or need minor corrections are the ones who are recommended to have a closed rhinoplasty.

Complexities not withstanding, the healing time for such a procedure is known to be quicker as the chances of swelling are alleviated. The post surgery precautions are also fewer to follow.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we have highly experienced plastic surgeons that can perform a closed rhinoplasty. Each patient’s nose structure is meticulously studied and based on the anatomical requirements for a closed rhinoplasty this surgery is performed.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Correcting Droopy Brows:

Gravity goes hand in hand with age. As age increases, the effects of gravity on the face become more pronounced. Drooping brows, sagging cheeks- the face gets hit bad from the hairline downwards.

Forehead lifts or brow lift surgeries are helpful plastic surgery options available for an individual looking to reduce any signs of ageing in the forehead area. Plastic surgeons either remove or alter the underlying muscles that cause frown lines and drooping brows.

Either of these two procedures is used; the conventional brow lift or coronal forehead lift which involves an incision that is hidden behind the hairline, and an endoscopic forehead lift. The endoscopic method requires minimal incisions to be made. The results are the same for both procedures though and include raised eyebrows, diminished frown lines and a smoother forehead.

Plastic surgeons
usually recommend brow lifts for patients in the 40-60 age range, for whom looking younger is the main objective. But there are patients who have conditions that are passed down the family line, like low, heavy brows and a deeply lined nose. Increased muscle activity is also known to result in furrowed brows. A brow lift is recommended for both these type of patients.

When performed in combination with rhytidectomy and blepharoplasty, brow lifts are known to yield better results for the over-all appearance of the face.

Contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about brow lifts and eyelid surgery procedures. Professional board certified doctors are available for advice and suggestions.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Founding Fathers – Sushruta:

All the hype surrounding plastic surgery makes it difficult to comprehend that this branch of medicine is actually steeped in ancient history. Roughly placed around the 6th B.C., plastic surgery had its roots in the need for new noses by criminals who had their noses amputated for misdemeanors.

A practitioner of medicine named Sushruta devised a procedure which would give these people their noses back. He is held to be the first surgeon to perform a reconstructive rhinoplasty procedure by using skin from the forehead. He devised more than 15 methods to repair a damaged nose. Sushruta is also credited as the first doctor to have performed plastic surgery.

The Sushruta Samhita or Sushruta’s compendium holds all his medicinal knowledge and is considered to be one of the cornerstones of Indian medical tradition. After continuous conquests the book traveled all over the Middle East and finally was noticed by a British surgeon in 1793 who went on to publish it a year later. What followed, led to a revival of this branch of medicine.

Sushruta laid down the basic principles of plastic surgery and described different rotation types and pedicle flaps in this book. He successfully performed cosmetic surgery using wine as an anesthetic and instruments crafted of pure iron.

Modern plastic surgery owes a lot of its procedures to practices used by this ancient plastic surgeon.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, our doctors have carried on the legacy left behind by the earliest father of plastic surgery with great success. While primitive surgical methods are no longer in use, the continuous innovations are constantly analyzed by us to get better results for our patients.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Doing Away With Twiggy:

Twiggy, the 60s supermodel known for popularizing the lanky androgynous look most modern models till date sport ironically alluded her thin build to her genes. Fashion houses prefer tall, skinny and emaciated looking models to model their clothes without a thought for the highly publicized deaths of two Latina models who succumbed to anorexia in 2006.

It is rather strange when you actually note this runway trend. Fashion designers create clothes for modern women who have curves they love to flaunt; but the models modeling these clothes are actually girls as young as 16 year olds having a body mass index below 18.

Young women no longer starve themselves for achieving that twiggy look though. The torch bearers for plastic surgery abuse, these women are known to suction of fat with procedures like liposuction of the thighs, arms, stomach and neck.

Placing themselves on the sacrificial alter of fashion they even go for a complete anti thesis of mommy makeovers with a risky combination of intense liposuction, buttock and breast reductions and abdominoplasty. Women generally consider mommy makeovers to enhance the overall appearance of their body, not to change it drastically with extreme surgeries and risks involved.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, plastic surgeons know what surgery is right for which body type. Our mommy makeover procedures are formulated keeping the body structure of women in mind and are personalized differently for women with differing age and body types.While we understand aesthetically inclined societal trends, we do not yield to extreme surgery practices and procedures which can actually damage rather than enhance.

Visit to know more.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Reconstructing Down Under:

Just about any part of the anatomy can be reconstructed by plastic surgeons with the innovations and constant evolutions that are taking place in this branch of medicine.

For years men wanted a procedure which could increase the size of their genitals. Plastic surgery answered their prayers with phalloplasty. And now women too have a procedure which makes it possible to reconstruct their genitalia. The only difference is women look for a reduction in their nether regions rather than an enlargement.

The over riding reasons for a vaginoplasty are mainly to ease physical discomfort. Women having large labiae recount instances where their sexual life is interfered with their labiae getting caught and causing intense pain. A lot of women having this condition are unable to wear snug beachwear or gym tights.

A vaginal reconstructive surgery can involve vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, clitoral hood removal, labia/ mons pubis liposuction and vaginal tightening.

These surgical procedures are complicated though. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, any woman desiring such a delicate procedure is carefully screened before further advice is provided.

Getting a vaginal reconstruction is not really the answer to an enhanced sexual life. Any patient who thinks so has to rid themselves of such a delusion before contemplating a labiaplasty or vaginal reconstruction.

Contact us at any of our facilities in Newport Beach, Pasadena, Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach to know more about our views and services regarding vaginal reconstruction.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Truth About Donda West:

It is tragic that a brilliant former professor and chairman of the English Department of Chicago State University and mother of a successful musician should be making headlines for her death. What is even more tragic is the connection that the media has established between Dr. Donda West’s death and plastic surgery.

From what Dr. Andre Aboolian a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills has to say regarding the death of Kanye West’s mother, the incident holds serious food for thought which every potential plastic surgery patient should consider. Dr. Aboolian was initially consulted by Dr. West for cosmetic surgery. However, he insisted upon medical clearance before he could proceed with her case as he had noticed a condition which could result in complications post surgery.

Such an incident simply goes on to highlight the necessity of following pre and post surgery precautions closely by a patient. While cosmetic surgery may not be a malign procedure, it is certainly not a cake-walk.

Whether it is a surgically non invasive injectable treatment or a major procedure for a tummy tuck, it is mandatory for a plastic surgeon to medically clear a patient and screen out any possibility of a psychological or health deficit.

Reality shows may project the quick-fix cosmetic surgery mind-set, but they are certainly not showing the real picture. There is a dark side to plastic surgery, but the shadow can be dismissed only through a proper consultation process and transparency on part of the patient as well as the surgeon.

Dr. Aboolian was right in advising Dr. West to get medical clearance before accepting her case for further treatment. The ethical treatment is the best treatment a patient can get.

Contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to avail of accredited services from some of the best doctors in the field of plastic surgery. It helps to get the best professionals in the field.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Bellybutton Makeover:

Some women barely spare it a glance, and some women try to ignore it. Most men are fascinated with it, and their women as a result, obsess compulsively over it.

The bellybutton has found its own place in the multitude of plastic surgery options available for men and women with a makeover dedicated to its tiny solitary self.

However far fetched it may sound bellybutton makeovers are here to stay. Members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery re-vamped bellybuttons of 1534 people. Most people who go in for a bellybutton makeover are usually those who love baring their midriffs. A lot of them go on to get belly jewelry like rings and studs and maybe even a tattoo. Then again there are people who want to reign in a protruding bellybutton and make it look more hip.

But there are also women who want their bellybuttons back in shape after a pregnancy or a laproscopy. There’s nothing subversive in wanting one. Just make sure you consult the right doctor before you think of revamping that remnant of your birth.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about the services and cosmetic procedures that we have on offer to get you a fab looking tummy.

Got The Wrong Doctor? Be Scared. Be Very Scared:

It seems natural for health blogs to dissect the latest celebrity death that is being splashed all over the television screens and tabloids. And as Dr. Donda West’s death is being linked to plastic surgery that is just what is going to be analyzed in this space.

A lot of sources are bringing to light lawsuits and arrests that have been prominent in Dr. Adam’s history. Dr. Jan Adam who performed a tummy tuck and breast reduction on Kanye West’s mother, is well known for hosting a show on Discovery Channel called ‘Plastic Surgery: Before and After’ and authoring a book on cosmetic surgery called ‘Everything Women of Color Should Know About Cosmetic Surgery’.

The Medical Board of California is considering revoking Dr. Adam’s medical license due to arrests made for driving under the influence of alcohol. There is also a claim that Dr. Adam is not a board certified plastic surgeon. The truth may be completely different, but it is starkly hazy right now.

In light of these news reports, its small wonder plastic surgery itself is coming under the knife, for all the wrong reasons.

The thumb-rule that every plastic surgery board and surgeon is constantly reiterating is the essentiality of having only a board certified plastic surgeon performing a plastic surgery. Being trained is one thing and being board certified is another matter altogether.

Maybe Dr. West had health complications and maybe Dr. Adam is a certified doctor. When a patient is considering a trip to the plastic surgeon he has to remember that the process is no walk in the park. It is a major decision and has to be considered only after weighing the pros and cons and discussing them all with your doctor.

Your life is precious. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California understands this. Our doctors are board certified and highly experienced. Visit us to know more.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

He Looked Down His Proud Aquiline Nose At Her…:

Just a glance through at the latest romance novel your wife is reading is enough to hit you and most men with numbing inferiority complexes. Most of the heroes of these novels have either proud aquiline noses or beautiful Greek noses. History, movies and art too are full of dashing figures like Michelangelo’s David, Ramses II, Dennis Quaid and even Aladdin, whose noses seem to add to their charms.

Men are known to be more conscious about their noses than women. No matter how eternal the macho look may be, the nose has to have ‘character’. And so, it is no doubt that rhinoplasty is the most sought after cosmetic surgery among the male gender. They form a quarter of the total patients who undergo rhinoplasty.

High satisfaction levels are very difficult to deliver where men are concerned though, according to most plastic surgeons, particularly in the case of ethnic male rhinoplasty. For instance, statistics point to male Asian rhinoplasty patients opting for secondary rhinoplasty procedures.

Plastic surgeons unanimously prefer to keep in mind the thumb rule, “less is more” where male rhinoplasty is concerned. Overdoing a male nose job might result in a much-too graceful nose, which is really not suited to the more macho ideal of aesthetics.

It’s alright to envy the hero of a romance novel for his perfect looks. What is more important is preserving the natural balance of your face with a well executed male rhinoplasty.

Contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, to know more about how our rhinoplasty surgeons can help you get the nose that’s just right for you and for the woman of your dreams.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Spock Ears And Bizarre Body Modifications:

The pointed ear look made famous by the character Spock from the Star Trek series popular in the 1960s just may be making a comeback- courtesy modern cosmetic surgery.

This trend is reported to be the ‘in-thing’ among music loving youngsters in New York.
Claimed to enhance the musical experience of a person, these surgically worked upon ears are also said to add to a person’s physical appeal. The rise of Faun-Clubs where entrance is only granted to pointy-eared people attests to the growing popularity of such a procedure.

The famous Lizardman is another person who is known to split his tongue lizard-style using lasers via a tongue bifurcation procedure. Yet another procedure claims to change just about any part of a person’s body with implants made of surgical metals beneath the skin surface. So a person can get horns on his head, or a heart outlined on the chest, or a bracelet of beads etched into the skin of the wrist.

But how far will these strange body modifications go in benefiting a person’s health?

Passing trends are best enjoyed from afar; especially ones that sorely test a body’s physical structure and modify the anatomy so unusually. New-age plastic surgeons promise a lot of fascinating options for ‘enhancing’ a person’s physical appearance. But, it is up to the patient to weigh the pros and cons of something as important as plastic surgery.

Contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for detailed advice and consultation.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Getting An Asian Blepharoplasty:

While critics of Asian blepharoplasty cite western acceptance as the main reason for most individuals to have such a procedure, it is to a certain extent over-rated. Patients having a fuller eyelid are known to have an Asian blepharoplasty to remove excess fat or skin just like a regular blepharoplasty.

The earliest record of such an operation was published in Japan in the late 1800s, a time when eastern culture was in no way considered inferior to western. It was seen largely as a procedure to obtain a more accurate and intense expression of emotion.

Plastic surgeons perform an Asian blepharoplasty using a scalpel instead of laser as Asian skin is held to be sensitive. There is minimal scarring with a scalpel. The incision made may either taper into the epicanthal fold towards the nose or flared upwards at its outer end depending on the patient’s anatomy.

Complications like asymmetrical eyelid creases, an unsatisfactorily shaped eyelid crease, hollowness, eyebrow and eyelid ptosis, etc. may occur. A skilled surgeon is of prime importance for an Asian blepharoplasty to be successful. As this procedure is very delicate, make sure your plastic surgeon is qualified enough to perform it.

The advantages of such a procedure are wonderful. It allows excess skin and fat to be trimmed, facial expression to be enhanced and makes the crease permanent as the internal anatomy is changed.

It is important to remember to not have unrealistic expectations as each surgery comes with its own set of drawbacks, especially one as aesthetically inclined as plastic surgery. Approach a consultation with an open mind and if the doctor you have selected is qualified enough, you can step out of surgery with better results.

Visit any of the centers of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California at Newport Beach, Pasadena, Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach for consultation services.

Perfect Brides And Perfect Grooms:

Men want their women big-eyed, slim hipped, radiant, long limbed beauties and women want their men to toned, muscled, handsome and healthy. The check-list for the perfect husband and the perfect wife is undoubtedly longer, with all these criteria tick-marked and absolutely required in future spouses.

Societies that have a more traditional view towards marriage are mostly minority groups. While each ethnic group has different perceptions of beauty, the over-riding requirement for marriage is just that, beauty.

The Economic Times, India covered an article last month on the rise in cosmetic procedures among brides and grooms in India stating a 25 percent growth. Brides and grooms were reported to opt for lip augmentations, nose lifts, dark circle removal, and hair transplantation treatments which are among the more popular procedures. According to Dr. Anup Dhir, a senior cosmetic surgeon at a hospital in Delhi, the male-female ratio for plastic surgery among to-be-married individuals is one man for every three women.

Closer home, cosmetic surgery honeymoons have Westerners delighting in the wonder of a new and transformed body. An offshoot of medical tourism, cosmetic surgery honeymoons are packaged specifically to entice newly married couples who want to take a major step towards their married life, together.

Procedures like facelifts, labiaplasty, pectoral implants, tummy tucks, mommy makeovers, Botox® treatments too are increasingly offered to married couples seeking to get that spice back in their marriage.

Contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about the various ways we can help you to either make your to-be-spouse happy or to enhance your married life.

Occidental And Oriental Eyes:

Asia is a continent of breath-taking diversities. Different races and cultures flourish in this miniature macrocosm. The spry inhabitants of Eastern Asia, the dark and stocky dwellers of South Asia, the petite occupants of western Asia, etc. are all known to possess startling diversities in physical anatomy and appearance.

In medical usage, the term Asian or oriental is used generally to refer to someone possessing distinctly “Asian” traits; while occidental connotes to an individual possessing traits that are non-Oriental.

These terms are in no account geographically limited. A Native American, an Argentinean and an Indian can all possess Asian traits, while there are some Indians known to have eminently occidental features as well.

double eyelid surgery or “Asian blepharoplasty” reshapes the skin around the eyes to create an upper eyelid with a crease. Approximately 50 percent Asians are born without the double eyelid crease a feature generally associated with Caucasian perceptions of beauty. It is small wonder then this surgery has a following in many having Asian traits.

Ellen Hwang, editor-in-chief of Jade Magazine which caters largely to Asian American women states, "Here in the U.S., even more than in Asia, the models and movie stars you see and who girls want to emulate are Caucasian.” And to be honest, Asian celebrities do form a minor section of the glamour business. Celebrity and role model to a lot of Asians, Jackie Chan, is known to have had an
Asian blepharoplasty.

Whatever the motivations for an individual to opt for an Asian blepharoplasty,
plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California urge patients to weigh the ramifications of taking such a step. Ethnic sensibilities once ‘corrected’ are difficult to restore. Visit us for thorough and unbiased advice.