Wednesday, October 31, 2007

“Silicon-ularly” Safe:

The continuous bad press that silicone breast implants have been getting might rival Britney Spears ‘troubled’ escapades. While Britney Spears might not have the tag of health hazard [except to her own self] attached to her, breast implants have been linked with breast cancer for a long time.

This belief is now being rejected by most Americans with recent
epidemiological studies confirming the safety of silicone gel-filled breast implants.

Dismissing the stigma attached to
breast implant surgery, Dr. McLaughlin and his colleagues at the International Epidemiology Institute have this to say of the survey conducted b them, "We conclude that the weight of the epidemiologic evidence does not support a causal association between breast implants and breast or any other type of cancer, definite or atypical CTD, adverse offspring effects, or neurologic disease,"

A comprehensive review further validated their claim when it revealed that
silicone breast implants do not increase the risk of cancers, connective tissue diseases, or other serious chronic diseases.

plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California conduct breast implant procedures using either silicone gel or saline solution as fillers for the implant. Both these implants are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] and have been declared safe for use in breast augmentation procedures.
Know more:

Friday, October 26, 2007

Pots And Tubes Of Joy:

They are nestled in your bathroom cabinet, on your nightstand and even in your teenager’s room. Curing anything from acne to controlling weight to blessing you with a flawless complexion, OTC drugs or over the counter drugs are a permanent fixture in every American household. Life is pretty much unimaginable without them.

OTC drugs are available without prescriptions from a medical practitioner and there are known to be at least 80 therapeutic categories of these drugs. Since they are approved by the FDA, which is the regulating body for their manufacture and sale, they are held to be awfully safe by users.

The most profitable OTC product has to be the ones claiming to banish the effects of aging. And since just about everybody is in search of the elixir of life,
Botox® is the drug that has the largest fan following. The drug can be administered by gynecologists, family doctors as well as non physicians.

Such unpracticed access to this essentially toxic protein can result in drastic effects. Photographs in tabloids and cosmetic surgery reviews are enough proof of such occurrences. The droopy-eyed look, asymmetrical eyebrows, static faces are common examples of
Botox® treatments administered badly.

Healthcare specialists Allergan observed that European women were more interested in non invasive cosmetic treatments like
dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injectables. Their American counter-parts are not far behind in this practice. Costly anti-ageing products and creams don’t suffice anymore.

If you are depending increasingly on OTC drugs, think again before you buy one. Opt for medically prescribed and administered drugs; or get yourself treated by a professional
cosmetic surgeon.
Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about expert advice and services.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Taking Back Beauty:

Unwanted tattoo reversal was held to be the No.1 cosmetic reversal for most Americans for the past few years. This procedure is being replaced by cosmetic surgery patients looking to reverse their cosmetic surgery in growing numbers lately, according to ABC News Internet Ventures. Correction and revision of cosmetic surgery procedures is close to achieving a separate specialty status in itself.

What is bringing about this shocking phenomenon?

Doctors hold inexperience to be the main reason among the recently burgeoning crop of
plastic surgeons. When demand exceeds supply, there is no dearth of those looking to bridge the gap. Profitably.

Poor communication between the doctor and the patient is another cause which is contributing to this trend. It is imperative for a patient to inform the doctor about any health problem or a record of bad medical history in his or her family. For instance hypothyroidism can lead to complications for a patient who desires a procedure as minor as

Post-operation precautions are as crucial as the pre-surgery ones. A smooth healing process can only be aided by following post operation health regimes and measures.

It also helps to trust your doctor’s aesthetic instincts. If there is any indication that a particular surgeon is lacking in the same, it is strongly recommended that your strike him or her out from your list of doctors in consideration for a procedure. How comfortable you are with your
plastic surgeon is the first step to a better body and appearance.
Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for services from some of the best plastic surgeons practicing in California. Every patient who walks out of our door, steps out with a satisfied smile on their face. And if you have come to us with a botched up surgery from another plastic surgeon, you have come to the right place.

Ethnic Cosmetic Enhancements:

Dr. W. Earle Matory Jr. director of cosmetic surgery at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester was quoted in a recent New York Times write-up on ethnic cosmetic surgery saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and when the beholder or the beholdee is an individual of color, what is considered attractive may be different than in a Caucasian." He provided valid food for thought when he questioned the logic in Whitney Houston opting for Madonna’s nose. Would she still be as striking he asks.

According to data collated by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, over 20 percent of cosmetic surgery patients were black, Asian or Hispanic in 1990. The number jumped by 65 percent from 2004 to 2005 the American Society of Plastic Surgeons pointed out.

This number is held to have risen significantly with icons like Michael Jackson and his sister Janet Jackson breaking the apprehensiveness with which ethnic groups held
plastic surgery procedures. The ethnic nouveau riche is more ready to embrace the ‘western’ ways.

The rise in the number of minority specialists in the field of
plastic surgery too is held to be a factor contributing to the rising demand for plastic surgery for these groups. Doctors have also noticed a positive shift from ethnic patients seeking to ‘correct’ what used to be considered as flaws to working on the same to enhance their ethnic appeal.

There are certain procedures that individuals seeking ethnic cosmetic surgery patronize.
Rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, breast augmentations and liposuction are the more popular of these procedures with African American and Latino tending to gravitate towards liposuction.

Doctors, whose trainings were based on the Caucasian ideals of aesthetics, are admittedly facing a problem with
ethnic cosmetic surgery. There are very few doctors who can be considered to be adept at understanding the anatomies and facial features of ethnic patients. It is recommended to research a doctor proficient in ethnic cosmetic surgery.

At the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California however, our professionals understand the inherent beauty present in individuals of ethnic groups. Each doctor is exceptionally adept in cosmetic surgery and cater to surgery procedures for every ethnic group.

Tall And Tan And Young And Lovely:

So goes the famous bossa nova song. While the Girl from Impanema was undoubtedly beautiful in her own way, she still draws sighs of envy from countless women hearing that song of male worship.

Which woman would not want to be described as “full of brightness and grace, the sight of whom is also sad, in that she carries with her, on her route to the sea, the feeling of beauty that fades, of the beauty that is not ours alone — it is a gift of life in its constant, beautiful and melancholic ebb and flow.”

Perceptions of beauty always seem to include the requirements of long slender legs, a gazelle like grace, a flawless complexion, and a perfectly toned body. Needless to say, the men of the western world whole-heartedly agree with this view. Small wonder then, most western women feel the urge to grab at each promise of dazzling beauty whole-heartedly.

Pots, tubes, beauty manuals, grandmother recipies, salons and pills, the size of the promise varies. But which are the promises we can believe? Natural beauty, an essentially ethereal and jarringly old concept in the 21st century way of life, is fine to go by as long as youth is on your side.

What happens when youth flies away? When reality starts creeping in with the first wrinkle, you know its time to take matter in your own hands; or better, hand them all to your
plastic surgeon.

Smooth away wrinkles with a
chemical peel, lift a sagging bustline with a breast augmentation surgery, treat a steadily bulking bottom with a buttock augmentation, or simply opt for a mommy makeover and do away with most of your worries.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has some of the most accomplished plastic surgeons in the plastic surgery business. Each patient is examined with great care. Each surgery performed with meticulous attention paid to detail.
Contact us at any of our centers in Newport Beach, Pasadena, Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach to avail of the best plastic surgery services in California.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Have You Fluttered Those Lashes Today?

With age come a profusion of side-effects, the foremost [and undoubtedly the worst for most women] of which is losing your beauty. The face droops, muscles sag, and haggard lines come into prominence. The eyes, which are the most expressive features of your face, too go through this aging process

Excess fat, skin and muscle combine to add a droopy effect to the upper eyelids; while the lower lids transform into baggy horrors.
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery solves these problems besides treating others like puffiness of upper eyelids, dark circles, etc. however, there maybe supplementary surgeries that your doctor may suggest if you want to achieve optimized results.

Patients having thyroid problems like Graves’ disease and hypothyroidism, dry eyes, cardiovascular disease or a detached retina have to think again before opting for an eyelid surgery. Additional consultation from an ophthalmologist is recommended in case of the latter condition.

Minor complications like blurred vision, swelling, irregularity in healing scars, etc. may occur. A condition known as ectropian is another rare result of
eyelid surgery which is known to cause a pulling down of the lower lids. In such a situation, further surgery may be in the cards for a patient.

The scars of a
blepharoplasty procedure have a pinkish hue, though after about six months they are known to fade into a thin translucent line which is barely visible. The recovery is complete and smooth and very satisfying, even more so if you have selected a capable doctor.

Plastic Surgery Institute of California has cosmetic surgeons who are aesthetic experts in every aspect of plastic surgery. We provide you careful advice and exclusive guidance to help you get eyes that don’t hesitate to widen with happiness.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Lose That Razor With Laser:

Photoepilation, more commonly known as laser hair removal, refers to the process of permanently disabling hair follicles present in a person’s skin. This process however, does not guarantee a patient 100 percent removal of hair from a particular area. It is usually followed by an electrolysis treatment to achieve better results.

The reason why most men and women opt for removal of unwanted hair through lasers is mainly for cosmetic reasons. The areas that are most targeted are the lip, back, underarm, abdomen, bikini lines, face, chest, arms, legs, pubic area, etc.

Lasers, however, are also used to treat a condition called pseudofolliculitis barbae or ingrown hairs which are known to cause reactions leading to formations of pilonidal cysts.

At the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California we offer laser hair removal treatments for both men as well as women who are looking to rid themselves of unwanted hair or ingrown hair. This non-surgical aesthetic treatment is completely painless and is administered besides our other laser treatment services for treating acne, wrinkles and vascular veins.

The main requirement for removing hair via lasers used to be a light skinned patient as a darker skinned patient faced the risk of damaging his skin surface. Damaging the melanin pigment that is present in a higher amount in a dark skinned individual was one of the main reasons for discouraging them from going ahead with this treatment.

Like most other cosmetic treatments,
laser hair removal has evolved considerably and today, all skin colors are treated by plastic surgeons. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California at any of our locations in Newport Beach, Pasadena, Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach to avail of the best treatments in laser hair removal.

Monday, October 22, 2007

An Overdose Of Plastic:

There is a reason celebrities are so well loved or hated by the world at large. They are the embodiment of perfection. They have bottomless accounts, stunningly toned bodies, fabulous dress style and glossed-to-a-sheen bodies. The fact that most of them are seriously talented and worked hard to get where they are, are conveniently overlooked by a beauty hungry audience. These living, breathing, lucre-blowing human dolls are what we want.

Cosmetic surgery, with the abuse of its procedures from the rich and the famous, has been continually on the receiving end of bad press. A tool for women to attract men, a way of life for the uber-rich socialite and businessman, a career-booster for a certain strata of actors, a means to regaining lost confidence for the over-weight housewife, a self-esteem increaser for the aging banker suffering from gynecomastia, the motivations are varied for a growing number of men and women who are willing to go under the knife.

While it is a great solution for battling the ravages of time,
plastic surgery is an option that has to be considered only when absolutely required. Enhancing your body is one thing and completely changing the way you look and feel is a different matter altogether.

Very often, individuals combine multiple procedures like
abdominoplasty, buttock augmentation, neck lifts and face lifts without thinking of the complications that might arise or the results of all these procedures on their outward appearance.

At the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California, our meticulous consultation process assists in providing a careful outline of the procedures which are appropriate for each of our clients. The risks and potential complications that might arise are informed before-hand and care is taken to enhance a client’s personal beauty- not overdo it.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Get Away From the Shadow Of Gynecomastia:

Yes, Adonis sure had it all. A lean athletic body, broad shoulders, abs to die for, narrow hips, slender thighs and a wonderful chest to go with it all. If this ancient embodiment of masculine beauty would have lived to reach his old age, would he have had gynecomastia? It certainly would have added another tragic twist to his already tragic life. Studies have shown that 30% to 60% of adult men are potential candidates for gynecomastia, which is actually an excessive growth of breast tissue.

While Adonis-like perfection might not be the ideal of most men, such an unattractive condition like
gynecomastia is surely not on most men’s ‘perfect body’ list. Plastic surgery, with its variety of body improving and enhancing options, has a remedy for this condition as well.

Gynecomastia is usually the result of being overweight. If excess fat is the only reason for this condition, then doctors recommend a weight loss plan to be followed by the patient. However, if there is an abnormal growth of glandular tissue, then a plastic surgery can be considered.

A fourth of
gynecomastia cases are due to medications like hormone supplements, blood pressure drugs, or diuretics that are known to increase estrogen levels or block male hormones. Some other causes are linked to the production of estrogen which can be due to excess fat. More serious reasons of gynecomastia include tumors that affect hormone-producing glands.

Whatever be the cause of your condition, the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California has a cure for gynecomastia. To learn more of our services, visit us online or at any of our facilities at Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Pasadena, San Diego and Huntington Beach.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Did You Get The Botox® Wonder Shot?

In its original state, Botox® is one of the most toxic proteins found naturally in the world. In its adapted state, Botox® was used in the 1980’s to treat conditions like Blepharospasm [uncontrolled blinking] and Strabismus [cross eyes]. An accidental discovery led to this protein’s rise as the most popular non surgical treatment in plastic surgery. Doctors realized that Botox® could be adapted to temporarily erase frown lines, crow’s feet and laugh lines from a patient’s face. Studies also pointed to the efficacy of Botox® in relieving migraine headaches and excessive sweating among other minor complications.

Initially a very expensive
plastic surgery option, Botox® was made popular by celebrities and socialites alike. However, the speed with which Botox® treatments were administered and the minimal recovery time expected, the success and easy availability of Botox® was ensured. Today, the treatment takes as less as ten minutes and results are noticeable within twenty-four hours.

The entire treatment is administered through just an injection, the repetition of which is recommended regularly for better results. All the fuss that a
plastic surgery procedure like a facelift or a neck lift causes a patient is eliminated. There are no scars, no bruises, no bandages, no stitches and no post- procedure precautions that have to be taken care of with Botox®.

If these aren’t reasons enough to opt for the magic injection, then the cost factor certainly is.
Botox® treatments are available at a fraction of the cost that cosmetic surgery procedures usually entail. With such a painless option available to patients, Botox® injections are as enjoyable as a trip to your beauty salon- which you might no longer even need to patronize.
Contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to avail of safe and expertly administered Botox® treatments today.

Money Matters And Quality Standards:

Paying through the nose for a new nose? The plastic surgery scenario in 2007 has made this passé. Television shows as old as “The Bold and the Beautiful” and as recent as “Sex and the City” and “Desperate Housewives” claim to be for the new woman. The plastic surgery mindset has taken a leap from the backyards of the rich and famous to the living rooms of the working class. And why not? It was just a matter of time. This branch of medicine is no longer shrouded in exclusivity. The masses have taken to such procedures with enthusiasm. With the promise the knife seems to hold for an average American in improving a daily humdrum existence, money has ceased to be a concern for a more aware public.

Though procedures for correcting disfigurements and reconstructive surgeries are covered by health insurance plans,
plastic surgery procedures undertaken for aesthetic enhancements face a drawback. After deciding upon the type of surgery procedure you want to go ahead with, shortlist the surgeons you have decided upon and run a check on their respective credentials and their costs. The plastic surgeon having the best credentials most probably won’t be the cheapest and vice versa. Try looking out for a good combination of both. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, you can be assured that you have met such a balanced combination.

Our prices are quoted after a careful examination of your requirements, the type of surgery you want, the time and effort that your desired procedure will require and the complexity of the procedure beside other supplementary costs. We also offer a range of attractive discounts and offers at our facilities in
Newport Beach, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach. Financing is offered through both CareCredit as well as MediCredit. We assure you an unbiased opinion and competitive prices.

Before Surgery, Consider This:

Your dream of looking and feeling better, is what your plastic surgeon is going to mould, sculpt and bring to life for you. If you are going to entrust your body to him, a number of vital questions have to be answered before going ahead with the processes that lead up to your desired procedure.

Do you really need it? is the first vital question you will need to consider. And if you do, what surgery is the one that is suitable for you.
Breast augmentations, Lifts, reductions, or reconstructions are procedures you can opt for if enhancing your breasts is what you want. But if its enhancing or reconstructing your face, then any of these options like a cheek, chin or lip augmentation, or a rhytidectomy, or a rhinoplasty, or ear correction, etc. Then again there are also thigh & buttock lifts, buttock and calf augmentations, liposuction, pectoral implants (for men), tummy tucks, etc. which are the surgery options available if you want to re- shape other parts of your body.

Excellent credentials and experience maketh a praiseworthy surgeon.
Before contacting any surgeon you have been referred to by a friend, aquaintance or maybe even your own physician, play safe, run a check on him. Don’t appease your friends’ concerns, satisfy yours first. Check up on the surgeon as well as his clinic’s certification. One legitimate board that can be trusted is
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, whose members are trained exclusively in plastic surgery. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is one such institute affiliated with this association.

Discuss the implications and possible complications that may arise.
Clinics often boast of their success in radically changing people. ‘
Before surgery’ and ‘after surgery’ photographs make plastic surgery look very appealing and uncomplicated at the best of times. Risks and precautions, however, have to be something that your surgeon has to discuss with you. If you are comfortable with the clinic and surgeon you have chosen, you can rest easy with the assurance that your surgeru will be a smooth process.

Techniques and processes.
Make a point to understand what you will undergo
under the knife. It can be quite useful- both emotionally as well as physically, in helping you deal with the change.
A new persona has to be nurtured and understood well to allow it to reach that added glow which
cosmetic surgery seems to bring.

Our team of qualified and experienced surgeons at
the Plastic Surgery Institute of California takes every effort to provide you with detailed advice on procedures like rhinoplasty, breast augmentations and reductions, tummy tucks and nose and face lifts with ease.

Gastric Bypass Procedure + Plastic Surgery = Rejuvenated Body:

Gastric Bypass Procedure [GBP], a procedure applied to address the severe condition of morbid obesity, is an option that more and more obese Americans are turning to save a deteriorating body. Recent statistics in the United States have come up with staggering figures. From the 58 million people who number as overweight, 3 million are morbidly obese. This condition comes with its own set of complications, like fatigue, asthma, sleep apnea, etc.

GBP not only improves the overall physical appearance but also restores the individual’s inherent vigor. In a GBP, the stomach is induced to decrease its intake of food as the stomach size is reduced by about 90%. This allows for food to remain for a longer time in the stomach and reduces the urge to eat.

The morbidly obese after undergoing this procedure, find a lot of their health problems dealt with. Though the surgery itself is complicated and involves multiple procedures performed over a period of months, the results of the surgery are definitely positive. Longevity is one of the most incredible outcomes of this procedure, as it, by default, does away with about host of the complications that obesity comes with.
After effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery, like sagging skin which can lead to physical restrictions, can be corrected by body contouring procedures like buttock lifts, thigh lifts, tummy tucks etc. At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California we consider your weight losing goals and work diligently to help you in achieving a fit and healthy constitution.

Post Surgery Care:

You have just had a neck lift surgery a few days back. You had been expecting to look younger and feel amazing. But instead what you see in the mirror is ugly swelling and bruising, and what you feel is not really close to amazing. If you have selected a good surgeon, chances are he has already informed you about such conditions, and advised you on methods and therapy to deal with it.

It takes an average of 6-12 months and sometimes longer for a scar to "mature". Unsightly scars may be improved by changing their width, length, direction or plane. More than one
surgical procedure is frequently necessary. Post surgery depression is a normal condition which patients go through. In order to achieve optimum results, it is important for patients to follow pre and post operative procedures properly.

The post operation procedures usually involve different directions for different people, as each individual tolerates pain differently. The length of recovery period too differs. A child may take less time to recover physically from a surgery than an older person; however, the latter is better equipped mentally to recover from the surgery. Different procedures again have different recovery periods. For instance,
blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery enables a person to move about independently by the second day itself; whereas patients who have had an abdominoplasty may take around two days to get around to moving about independently.

Take care to discuss with your surgeon the pre surgery requirements and follow them carefully. If these are paid proper attention to, then the post surgery risks will be minimized significantly. Good communication between surgeon and patient comes into use here.

Contact us
here for any queries you might have regarding pre and post surgery procedures. Our team of qualified doctors at The Plastic Surgery Institute of California aims to provide you with all the help to appreciate and nurture a new stage in your life.

A Plastic Vacation:

It does have a funny ring to it. But plastic vacations or as the travel business fondly refers to it, ‘facelift holidays’, are a serious money raking option. For a large number of men and women seeking a change in personality along with looks, a ‘facelift holiday’ also has an interesting appeal to it. Not only does a tropical vacation provide some pleasure and relaxation to an individual, it also adds the glow of a completely re-vamped body to a vacation tan. Go away flawed and return a sensation. Sounds fun. But is it that simple?

The costs of
plastic surgery in places like Columbia, Cuba, India, South Africa and Thailand maybe a fraction compared to the steep prices that are attached to cosmetic procedures in the west, but this is only due to the low cost of healthcare in these countries. But while you may be saving up on precious finances, are you compromising on personal health and safety?

An unknown country, especially an exotic one, has its share of problems, the foremost being
tropical diseases, which the westerner is ill-equipped to physically resist. Another important risk factor is the environment. After certain procedures like face lifts, a patient is advised to stay away from the sun or else sunburn can leave dark scars; while a neck lift procedure requires a close watch to be paid on body temperature.

Besides the physical risks that a facelift holiday might involve, legal issues too are worth pondering upon. Medical tourists cannot take recourse to laws that are applicable in their home country in case of a
malpractice. Moreover, the health standards that are available in a country like the United States are the best in the world, and developing countries with inferior infrastructure only strive to achieve that position.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, the high quality services on offer at each of our facilities in Newport Beach, Pasadena, Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach are approved and attested by an illustrious board like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons [ASPS]. While there are no legalities and health problems involved in any of our procedures, your ‘facelift holiday’ in temperate California can actually take your body woes away.

Of Tupperware And Botox® Parties:

What is the connection you ask. Why dahlin’, they are so in. Well, maybe not Tupperware anymore, but Botox® parties are certainly a hip and happening reality post 2002 [which is when the concept originated]. A li’l French wine, exotic hors d'oeuvres, conversation, gossip, and instant makeovers; these parties began as a lucrative option for the cosmetic surgeon, the patient, and in most cases the accomplished hostess as well. Given the short shelf life botulinum toxin type A [Botox®] has, when doctors buy it in bulk, not only does it reduce purchase price for them, but it also serves as a spiffy marketing tool for their plastic surgery business.

One viewpoint sees
Botox® parties as a great way for people to socialize with each other and lose any inhibitions they might have about the treatment. They know they are not alone, and the fact that their friends too are getting a shot along with them goes a long way in making them comfortable. Another viewpoint that is being expressed by a score of plastic surgeons criticizes such Botox® parties citing un-professionalism and lack of safety measures as their main arguments.

Whether they are a form of group therapy or complete lack of medical ethics,
Botox® parties are very much a 21st century reality. However, it is important to keep a lookout for crucial elements which have to be considered when thinking about attending such parties. The FDA licenses Botox® and distributes it as vials which have to be used for only one patient and for just one treatment. Once opened and diluted, the drug has to be used within four hours. There are doctors who use a single vial of Botox® on multiple patients to save costs. The expected effects are thus not always attained.

A completely controlled environment too, is one essential factor which might be required by some patients who can be affected more by the side-effects of a
Botox® treatment like nausea, muscle weakness, etc. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we offer a controlled and safe environment for injectable treatments like Botox®. Cosmetic surgeons at each of our facilities follow strict medical ethics and procedures.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mom Jobs:

A pregnancy should leave you with happier memories than post partum depression resulting from a sagging bust line and a bulky body. With more and more mothers opting to continue with their careers rather than stay at home and take care of the baby, a fit and toned body is a must have in order to retain that confidence and do away with bias at the workplace. The ‘Mommy Makeover’ is a godsend to cure most women’s post partum blues.

ASPS reported a rise in demand for a combination of tummy tucks, liposuction and breast augmentation procedures by 11% for women aged 20-39 between 2005 and 2006. Mommy makeovers involve a combination of these three main procedures besides procedures like thigh and buttock lifts, injectable treatments, etc. The effects of all these cosmetic procedures separately as well as collectively are so wonderful that it has women who are way past their child-bearing years too opting for it.

Asymmetry in breast size, a bulging stomach, bulky hips, thick thighs, heavy bottoms, etc. can all be corrected with a
mommy makeover. Besides solving appearance issues, mommy makeovers also have women claiming to have health benefits. Loss in weight helps maintain it easier. The motivation for following a healthy diet and exercising regularly to maintain that toned look, are the expected advantages of a ‘mom job’.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we offer mommy makeovers tailor-made for your body type. Our experienced plastic surgeons take into consideration essential factors like your age, weight, health problems, career, lifestyle, diet, etc. and after a careful examination, advice you accurately on the cosmetic procedures you can go ahead with to get our old body back in a new shell.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Breast Implants And Rising Suicide Rates:

A lot of controversies revolve around this particular cosmetic surgery. A recent study conducted by researchers at the International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, Md., Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN; and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden showed that women who had breast implants exhibited stronger suicidal tendencies. Claims that women who have had breast implants are prone to low self-esteem, depression, mental illness, and are likely to have undergone psychotherapy also prevail.

However, the benefits of a breast implant cannot be ignored. Not only does a
breast augmentation enhance the overall appearance of the body, but it has also led to an improvement in physical health, self confidence and sexual function. Patients who have had to have a mastectomy and those suffering from deformities especially are the ones benefiting the most from a breast augmentation procedure. Figures collated by the ASPS in 2006 show that breast augmentation is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure by Americans with 329,000 procedures performed in the U.S. itself.

Why then, is a
breast implant viewed to be such a big risk? Women who have undergone a breast implant surgery are advised to stay in touch with their doctors for years after a surgery. The main reason being that most often more than one surgery is requiered as a follow up. Complications like ruptured or deflated implants, assymetry in breast size, hardening of the implant, difference in proportion between the breasts and the rest of the body, etc. occur frequently.

At the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California, board certified doctors take care to ensure that your breast implant procedure is a safe one. We accept a patient only after a careful screening and an intense consultation process. Complications are kept to a minimum and as far as possible eliminated with. We take the time and care to follow up on each of our patients. A high self esteem and improved physical health is what we promise.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Is Your Rhinoplasty Surgeon Any Good?

You may not have Elisha Cuthbert’s wide nose, or Janet Jackson’s perfect [cosmetically enhanced] nose. The elegant Roman nose too may not be the one you have been born with. But these famous noses may not necessarily be the noses that will gain you fame in your workplace after getting them cosmetically enhanced. What is considered beautiful by some may turn out to be downright ugly from someone else’s viewpoint. A ‘nose job’ is a procedure that patients would consider getting when a rich lifestyle commanded them to look picture perfect. However, the health- improving options offered by a Rhinoplasty are what are being taken into account as well by more aware patients. Besides tackling breathing problems, Rhinoplasty also enables a patient to correct birth defects.

When going ahead with the decision of getting a ‘
nose job’, consulting a surgeon certified with a board like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) [the largest plastic surgery specialty organization in the world] is recommended. Discuss the complications and after effects that may arise post surgery with him. How qualified your doctor is, directly influences the intensity of the complications that may arise, which could be anything from a nosebleed to a reaction to anesthesia. Get a Rhinoplasty because you want to improve your nose, not perfect it.

You can either find a good doctor on the internet at the sites of the respective boards, or you can contact the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here. We are members of the ASPS. If you are considering a Rhinoplasty, you can request a consultation with any of our highly experienced surgeons at locations like Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Pasadena, San Diego and Huntington Beach. They can help guide you through the decision making process and answer any questions you may have.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Save Face With Rhytidectomy:

The health benefits offered by alternative healing methods like progressive relaxation, meditation, yoga, chiropractic medicine, etc. have multitudes believing in the sensibility that you are as old as you look. Though there are many critics for this branch of medicine, science proper is constantly discovering and finding innovations for methods of prolonging life. Over the counter drugs and the beauty business too have played no mean role in furthering this notion. An individual is not old at 50 anymore, he is ‘ancient’. The ‘new’ old age creeps in on a person at 30 years of age as is believed by an entire generation fed on Hollywood beauties and dazzle. The rise of the gym culture too has people running the treadmill to a healthier body. It’s a race against time, and everyone’s running in it. Where is your place in this race?

You may have joined the health revolution with your body feeling like a million bucks, but does your face match up to your body’s oomph? If you have followed every avenue to a healthier body and
lifestyle, chances are you may have already heard of a cosmetic procedure called rhytidectomy. More commonly known as a ‘face lift’, rhytidectomy assures long term benefits which beauty creams and over the counter drugs only aspire to fulfill.

Natural aging of the face occurs due to factors like exposure to extreme weather, stress, hormones, etc. The area between the eyebrows, around the mouth, the corners of the eyes and the neck are main areas which face the brunt of such damaging factors.
Rhytidectomy, though not holding a promise to freeze time, offers the hope of slowing time up for you. It removes excess fat, tightens underlying muscles and re-drapes the neck and facial skin.

Procedures like a
forehead lift, eyelid surgery and nose reshaping are supplementary procedures which also can be opted for in order to attain a younger look. At the Plastic Surgery Institute, we offer all these procedures besides rhytidectomy. Our consultants in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Pasadena, San Diego and Huntington Beach are highly experienced and capable of providing you with answers to all your questions.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Exceptional Surgeons And Exceptional Services:

Your plastic surgeon’s dexterity in being able to provide you with the latest tried and tested developments in the domain of plastic surgery is an essential function which any leading cosmetic surgery practice has to be able to provide you with. That extra radiance can thus be easily assured.

Studies like geographical differences, differing laws and stances on cosmetic surgery, patient surveys, innovations, demographics, religious beliefs, etc. along with avoiding misinformation, also allow doctors to provide their patients with
customized service. For instance, a recent survey conducted by cosmetics manufacturer Dover, revealed that 27% of Arab women between the age of 18 and 64 would consider plastic surgery to improve their looks. There are around 3,000 plastic surgeons practicing in Tehran, Iran alone. Such is the popularity of this branch of medicine in the Middle East.
Ask your clinic for any free consultations or orientations which you can avail of to better understand what you are going to under go. Establishing a patient- doctor trust is an important aspect of pre- surgery procedures which you have to take care to follow.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we pay a lot of attention to detail. Personalized attention combined with the latest technologies is provided to each and every patient so that they can evaluate their requirements.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Plastic Surgery Mistake #1 - Choosing The Wrong Place:

A BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat and 1Xtra TXU survey into how young Britons feel about their bodies found that more than 50% of female respondents said they would consider having plastic surgery. With similar trends reflected in American society as well, cosmetic surgery is an option many are taking recourse to.

Its rising popularity has got more and more doctors trying to meet the demand for this specialty that has become an integral part of mainstream medicine. There is a possibility that any licensed physician can call himself or herself a cosmetic surgeon, consequently the importance of finding a properly trained and certified surgeon is paramount. Choosing a doctor who’s a member of the
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is the first step. A certified member is qualified to manage the complications and handle the risks that might arise from plastic surgery.

It is important to get your homework done when selecting a cosmetic surgeon. His
credentials, his experience, etc. have to be valid. More often than not, general physicians or close friends are known to recommend a cosmetic surgeon. In such a situation, do not aim for appeasing their concern; instead make sure that it is your queries that are appeased. Do not hesitate to run a background check on the surgeon’s credentials. Scars are the inevitable result of surgery since they are the body's natural response in the healing process. But they might be the least of your problems if your surgeon lacks the skills to perform the surgery well and deal with the post operation procedures.

Our qualified and experienced surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California
will be able to guide you through procedures like Rhinoplasty, breast reduction and augmentation, tummy tucks and nose and face lifts with ease. You can be sure you have chosen the right place to make your dreams of renewing your body come true.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Confidence And Health With Plastic Surgery:

Scenario 1: Delia is relaxing after a hard day at work with a glass of cranberry juice, when her son comes in from school. She asks him what’s happening in school lately. He informs her about the PTA meeting which was coming up the following month. Delia volunteers to attend, but the son waves her off saying that he will take his dad along, as the teachers prefer speaking to dad who looks younger and more approachable. She sadly consents and looks forward to receiving the news about the PTA from her husband.

Scenario 2: It’s been another hard day at work. A year since she opted for a
Facelift, Delia is lost in a pleasant glow of contentment. Her son comes skipping in from school and happily announces that she simply has to attend the next PTA meeting for him. Delia happily agrees and looks forward to telling her husband all about it later.

Cosmetic surgery is long past the stage where it used to be viewed as a status symbol and monopoly of the rich and famous. It is no longer a
lifestyle statement. With the increasing and various options available to patients and with the continuous innovations in this field, it is an option which anyone desiring a plastic surgery can go for. Besides a boost in self esteem, cosmetic surgery is also able to provide an individual with an option to improve their health. Reconstructive surgeries like hand surgery, skin grafting, etc. too are options available to those seeking to treat conditions sustained due to accidents.
The testimonials which we at Plastic Surgery Institute of California receive are constant reminders to the increase in confidence levels that our past patients have gone through. Whether it be a tummy tuck or whether it be a Rhinoplasty or even a breast implant, our team of expert professionals are committed in their quest to unveiling a better and a healthier you.