Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Plastic Vacation:

It does have a funny ring to it. But plastic vacations or as the travel business fondly refers to it, ‘facelift holidays’, are a serious money raking option. For a large number of men and women seeking a change in personality along with looks, a ‘facelift holiday’ also has an interesting appeal to it. Not only does a tropical vacation provide some pleasure and relaxation to an individual, it also adds the glow of a completely re-vamped body to a vacation tan. Go away flawed and return a sensation. Sounds fun. But is it that simple?

The costs of
plastic surgery in places like Columbia, Cuba, India, South Africa and Thailand maybe a fraction compared to the steep prices that are attached to cosmetic procedures in the west, but this is only due to the low cost of healthcare in these countries. But while you may be saving up on precious finances, are you compromising on personal health and safety?

An unknown country, especially an exotic one, has its share of problems, the foremost being
tropical diseases, which the westerner is ill-equipped to physically resist. Another important risk factor is the environment. After certain procedures like face lifts, a patient is advised to stay away from the sun or else sunburn can leave dark scars; while a neck lift procedure requires a close watch to be paid on body temperature.

Besides the physical risks that a facelift holiday might involve, legal issues too are worth pondering upon. Medical tourists cannot take recourse to laws that are applicable in their home country in case of a
malpractice. Moreover, the health standards that are available in a country like the United States are the best in the world, and developing countries with inferior infrastructure only strive to achieve that position.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, the high quality services on offer at each of our facilities in Newport Beach, Pasadena, Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach are approved and attested by an illustrious board like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons [ASPS]. While there are no legalities and health problems involved in any of our procedures, your ‘facelift holiday’ in temperate California can actually take your body woes away.

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