Monday, June 25, 2007

Platysmaplasty - Neck lift

A Neck Lift is a set of procedures performed to enhance the appearance of your neck. Cervicoplasty is the procedure used to remove excess skin. Another procedure used is Platysmaplasty, which removes or alters neck muscles. We at The Plastic Surgery Institute of California perform these surgeries at our centers located in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Pasadena, San Diego and Huntington Beach.

A Neck Lift can be performed in conjunction with liposuction, which is the removal of excess fat from a specific area of the body. It can also be performed with a facelift and brow lift. A Neck Lift is a very specific surgery carried out for a specific reason. Therefore one should know what he wants from the surgery. There are a few common reasons people opt for a Neck Lift; Turkey wattle neck, excess fat and too much of lose skin. Loose neck muscles may cause a Turtle wattle neck or a medical term known as appearance of neck ‘bands’. A Botox injection can also be the answer to neck ‘bands’. These injections are completed within 15 minutes and can be done on an outpatient basis.

A cervicoplasty can be completed in about two to four hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure. The kind of anesthesia can be your choice, whether you want it locally or a general anesthesia. Neck lift is a good and an almost convenient way into tricking people to think you’ve lost a lot of weight. Sometimes even after losing weight it does not easily show on the neck. Sometimes genetics play their role. Could be for any reason but people young and old undergo neck lift procedures all the time.

There are a couple of precautions required in this surgery, and one must make sure they follow it. Smokers particularly need to give up smoking 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after. You have to completely give it up; you can’t just cut it down, and only giving it up will ensure proper healing. A good diet will help the body heal faster.

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