Friday, August 24, 2007

Dissolving fats:

Lipo-dissolve is being promoted as a ground-breaking alternative to liposuction that involves a simple series of medicated injections which dissolves unwanted small localized areas of fat. Lipo-dissolve is achieving growing popularity among consumers due to its simplicity.

Fat-related problems that proponents of Lipo-dissolve claim can be treated include: upper and lower abdomen, thighs, upper arms, saddlebags, fat pads under the eyes or chin, cellulite, stretch marks, scars, residual fat deposits post-liposuction.

In addition to possible small areas of fat-loss, stretch-mark, and cellulite reduction, the treatment may enhance skin tone, elasticity, and increase collagen production that is hampered through the natural aging process.

At Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we adapt the highest quality of standards with a team of expert doctors and surgeons around the globe. It is our belief at Plastic surgery Institute of California that Lipo-dissolve is a result of good affinity between a patient and a surgeon.

Conviction, entrenched in genuine expectations and exacting medical expertise is what develops during the counseling sessions prior the surgery at Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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