Jamie Lee Curtis is one actress who has got quite a kitty-full of nicknames to mark her advancement in
It would be hard to believe that this actress once had a cosmetic surgery procedure like liposuction and even dabbled in Botox. The procedures did not turn out to be what she expected and she pretty much shocked fans when she admitted that she turned to painkillers to drown the disappointment.
Then JLC announced that she would be quitting acting altogether because she wasn’t ‘ageing well’. So it comes as something of an irony when I came across a cover she did for the AARP saying that she did it to urge people to ‘age wisely and well’.
Hmm… quite a contradiction this woman is, I must say.
But then for an actress who was blasted with rumors of being a hermaphrodite, she turned out to be quite the sexy screen siren. I wonder, did she have some help from a breast augmentation to bolster that image?
Whatever her secret may be, at 50 Jamie Lee Curtis has finally made peace with her body and self and looks all the more better for it.
So what do you think? Do you still have it in you to rock the world? The Plastic Surgery Institute of California would sure love to know how you do it!