Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Financial Security - Check Or Uncheck:

The ‘knife-style’ of the rich is no longer exclusively for the strata of society from which its popularity originated. Plastic surgery has entered the living room of the average American man and woman with a host of television and movie celebrities openly flaunting their perfect- to- a- T bodies.

The increase in popularity of this branch of medicine has led to a decrease in the cost of cosmetic surgery procedures. As its exclusivity is no more limited, plastic surgery is so widespread today, that by the year 2020, people are sure to backtrack if you say you haven’t undergone plastic surgery even once, according to Sander Gilman, an Emory University professor and author of two books on plastic surgery. Evidently, going under the knife has ceased to be a pocket pincher.

When charging you for their services, plastic surgeons consider factors like their experience and demand in the field, the time, effort and complexity of the procedure and the geographic location of the facility. Accompanying factors like operating room and anesthesia fees, lab fees, implant costs, etc. are also deciding factors where price is concerned. After zeroing in on the procedure you want to go ahead with, it is advisable to conduct a detailed research into the practices and prices of different cosmetic surgeons in order to get a bird’s eye view of all the options available.

The one drawback that plastic surgery for aesthetic purposes faces is its exclusion from health insurance plans. However, plastic surgery for correcting a disfigurement or deformities does not face any such problem. The significant difference between aesthetic surgery and reconstructive surgery is highlighted when this factor is taken into consideration. Loans for cosmetic surgery, though available in some banks, are treated as ‘unsecured’ personal loans.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we arrange for financing with major financial institutions at competitive rates. A superior standard and exceptional quality in surgery procedures is what we guarantee you. We take preoperative photographs and include them in your medical record.

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