Monday, April 7, 2008

Transgender cosmetic surgery

A lot of hoo-haa has been made recently about Thailand’s attitude towards the third sex and her constantly changing views on it. This Asian country is viewed as something of a leader in the cosmetic sex-change industry with castrations being offered for as less as $125.

Breast enhancements using implants, a technique called penile inversion, Adam’s apple shaving and a host of other procedures are offered for men who want to look like their female counterparts. These unusual but not unheard of cosmetic surgery procedures find a lot of takers in Thailand with the country even playing host to what was Asia’s largest Gay and Lesbian event some years back.

Transgender cosmetic surgery, while a heavily disputed by religious groups and medical experts is undoubtedly performed in the West. The pregnant man featured recently on Oprah and the 1990s drag queen star RuPaul are indicators of this branch of cosmetic surgery.

Among male transgenders, procedures like breast augmentation, tummy tuck, various face surgery procedures and surgical manipulation of the reproductive organs are the usual cosmetic manipulations performed while among the women breast surgery to flatten the chest is the preferred surgery.

Transgender cosmetic surgeries are a reality and are performed in the U.S. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we do come across such cases and advice them as we would our other patients. Visit us for an unbiased opinion on cosmetic surgery.

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