Thursday, February 28, 2008

Emerging Cosmetic Surgery Trends:

A glaring trend that is being noticed lately is the number of cosmetic surgery procedures and beauty treatments that are custom-made for men. Indeed, the interest that the male of the species is taking in personal grooming has burgeoned in the last few years.

It was inevitable and the trend seems likely to stop being a trend before long and treated as a permanent fixture in the annals of beauty. According to Jason Pozner, a plastic surgeon in Florida, “Doctors, health centers and spas have made it more convenient for men to get cosmetic procedures, with later hours and more masculine settings.”

Gone are the days when a hurried trip to the local barber took care of all the shaving, trimming, buffing, clipping and grooming that a man would possibly want. Whether it is the boardroom or the bedroom, the new man wants to deliver much more of an impact.

So out come an entire army of masseuses, nail specialists, hairstylists, personal stylists, cosmetologists and dermatologists- all dedicated to getting the best out of the male anatomy.

While the women are busy getting their gold facials, stiletto Botox and breast augmentations, their masculine counter-parts are getting chest waxes, hair transplants and liposuction. However, both the groups have been seen to champion the benefits of soft tissue fillers, hair removal treatments, skin treatments and laser hair removal.

So when you feel ready to move with the times, hop by the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for cosmetic surgery procedures and skin treatments that prove to the world just how much you love yourself.

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