Friday, February 8, 2008

Hirsutism Help:

Hirsutism is a malady which a surprising number of women suffer from. While any hair that is not on the scalp is treated as unwanted hair, the condition of hirsutism is especially unique as it refers to hair growth patterns that usually occur in men.

This problem stems from the presence of excess male hormones (androgens) and a severe fluctuation in insulin levels in the female body. These conditions lead to excess hair growth in the chest, face and back areas with the hair also known to occur in the areolae of a woman.

The implications of hirsutism are predominantly emotional and cosmetic, with a lot of women facing social discomfort. While it is a physically discomfiting condition, hirsutism is not malignant and definitely not a disease.

There are various treatments devised by medicine and women to cover this condition. Bleaching the area suffering excess hair growth is the most convenient option, but it is only effective if the growth is light.

For more persistent and visible hair growth, depilation through shaving or temporary epilation using waxes and tweezers is a good option. But if you want more permanent results of remedying hirsutism, laser hair removal is a good idea.

While laser hair removal is faster and more effective than traditional methods of hair removal, it may result in pigmentary changes and foliiculitis. The results last for up to three months. Consulting a certified doctor or cosmetic surgeon is recommended if you desire to correct hirsutism by means of laser hair removal.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information on hirsutism and laser hair removal treatments.

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