Friday, February 22, 2008

Half The World’s Going To Be Brown-skinned By 2050:

So claims Dr. Harris, an Afro-American facial plastic surgery specialist and co-founder of a medical spa in Washington. Dr. Harris stresses on the need for plastic surgery specialists and surgeons to revaluate fixed notions of beauty which for ages have been rather euro-centric.

Looking at the existing political situations and population demographics, it is understandable why a lot of plastic surgeons are beginning to echo these concerns. Asian countries like China and India are growing rapidly in brain power as well as man power. With the U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama an African American candidate, there is a fresh wave of change seen for the community in the U.S.

Rising economic clout has seen these ‘minority’ communities firmly set on the path to progress and financial security. From the growing records of African Americans seeking lifestyle changes like plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatments, it would do well for medical boards to accommodate the physical concerns of these patients in any research and development undertakings.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we have a well-informed and educated team of plastic surgeons. Whether a patient is Caucasian or an African American or of Semitic physiognomy, our principles stand by our established practice and allow us to treat each with the same respect and with customized procedures.

Visit us today for top plastic surgeons who understand issues of ethnic aesthetics and cosmetic treatment.

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