Thursday, July 19, 2007

Washboard Abs

Washboard abs are everyone’s dream. Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck or simply TT, is the surgery of the abdomen to remove the excess skin and fat that may accumulate after pregnancy, obesity or age.

Having a flat stomach or more commonly, “washboard abs” is not just accomplished by working out daily, it has to become an all-encompassing lifestyle. The key components are healthy diet, cardiovascular training, and abdominal exercises. If a movie star stomach is your goal, you must realize that to achieve your goal you have to first concentrate on what you eat, not how many situps you do in a day. Of course, as with any fitness and health goal – nutrition and exercise are always the main ingredient.

This procedure is not only for women but is widely sought after even by men. Regardless of gender, this isn't a simple procedure and you should definitely be aware of the risks and post-operative care and attendance that will be needed.

Abdominoplasty surgery is beneficial in helping these individuals obtain a tauter, slimmer waist and flatter abdomen. In some cases, abdominoplasty is not needed and only suction-assisted lipectomy can improve the loose skin of the abdomen. Also endoscopic abdominoplasty may be an option for those who need more than just abdominal liposuction.

You must be mentally and emotionally stable to undergo a cosmetic procedure. This is an operation which requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period.

We at The Plastic Surgery Institute of California help you achieve and attain your dream. No exercise, no diets just a simple procedure and you can achieve Hollywood looks!

Get rid of that belly:

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