Ashley Tisdale, one of the very young and very talented stars of the Disney produced High School Musical movies, claims she had a nose job to correct a deviated septum. This nasal condition is the most popular excuse for a lot of celebrities going under the knife to straighten out their noses.
So what exactly is a deviated septum?
Wikipedia states that the condition is a physical disorder where the nasal septum (the partition dividing the two halves of the nose) is displaced. It holds three factors held to be responsible for a deviated septum.
The condition could result from a severe knock to the face or could be a congenital disorder. Drug intake is cited as the third reason for a deviated septum. The latter factor occurs in a fewer number of people than the former though.
Plastic surgery can help a patient suffering from a deviated septum with a combination of rhinoplasty and septoplasty procedures. While septoplasty corrects the disorder, rhinoplasty can help the nose blend in with the rest of the facial features.
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