Barbie, the pint-sized doll has been the penultimate possession for every pre-adolescent ever since her launch in 1959. With the plastic doll being marketed as a ‘teenage fashion model’, teenagers were roped in on the Barbie fad as well. The launch of a personal clothing and accessory line now completes the entire ‘Barbie experience’.
Indeed, so closely is the doll associated with the western concepts of perfection that there are girls and even grown women looking to emulate the appearance of the doll, turning to plastic surgery to replicate the look.
One such woman is Sarah Burge, who unabashedly admits enjoying it when people refer to her as the human Barbie. Sarah who is 48 years old is known to have had at least 26 plastic surgery treatments.
There is almost no part of her body that has been left untouched by the cosmetic knife; but Sarah is completely happy with the way she looks and happily ascertains that her daughters too are proud of what she has achieved with plastic surgery.
Twenty six plastic surgery treatments, however, may be a tad too taxing on the natural lines of the human body. Take a look at people who have had multiple cosmetic surgery treatments: an unnaturally vacant expression of the face, tautened skin and set features are a few of the oddities that will be noticed.
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