Monday, June 30, 2008

VBLOCTM Vagal Blocking Therapy – Alternative To Bariatric Surgery

The VBLOCTM vagal blocking therapy is touted as one of the most advanced technologies to hit the obesity-reduction market in a long time.


This implantable medical device could remove the need for a bariatric surgery, making it much easier on the patient who is obese or overweight. While not as extreme as any other weight loss surgery, the vagal nerve blocking device nonetheless provides significant weight reduction in the patient.


The device works similar to a heart pacemaker but unlike the latter it makes use of high-frequency electricity to block the nerve impulses between the brain, the tummy and the pancreas. These blocking signals are used to influence how the stomach functions and digests food.


Weight loss surgery is a very common option among patients who want to better their obese bodies. Often cosmetic surgery procedures like tummy tuck surgery or liposuction are used to shape and tone the lumps that result from a weight loss process.


Devices like these ought to make it easier on patients who wish to avoid a bariatric or tummy tuck procedure.


Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for additional information about WLS and tummy tuck prices and procedures.


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