Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Chinese Are Getting Fat Too!

Blame it on the heavily anticipated Beijing Olympics or the summer fun-flick Kung Fu Panda, all things China have been thrust into international spotlight.

While China is doing all it can to feed the rest of the world, back home it is obesity and excess weight that is making the Chinese rethink their menu. Fat has become a national threat with analysts suggesting that the dairy and meat-rich diet could pose a serious problem to many Chinese.

With more than a quarter of the adult population of China overweight or obese, the country is a few notches away from Mexico on the developing countries list. Nutritionists blame these rising levels on the disappearance of the classical Chinese diet that was rich in carbohydrates and veggies and low on animal products.

Looks like this is one country that needs to spend some serious time and money on exercise or liposuction surgery.

Incidentally, the fat panda voiced by Jack Black (who is also a bit on the heavy side) in Kung Fu Panda has helped the movie to gross $16 million in China alone- a big feat for a foreign movie in this country. However, I wonder what the movie is doing for the fight against obesity in China.

But on a more serious note, let’s hope the Chinese wake up soon to the obesity threat before they go the way of the U.S. which is facing its own problems with obesity.

For further information on liposuction procedures visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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