Sunday, May 11, 2008

Embarrassing Bodies Boosts Cosmetic Surgery Popularity:

Channel 4’s medical-themed reality series Embarrassing Bodies is a novel show by reality TV standards. The crew/cast of the series prance all over Britain looking out for people too shy or uncomfortable to tell their doctor about an illness or medical condition that’s bothering them.

Apparently the show has managed to make way for a dramatic surge in the demand for cosmetic surgery services in the United Kingdom. And why not, most of the men and women who appear on the show in search of a cure have odd protrusions and physical deformities that can be corrected through reconstructive plastic surgery.

Everything and everyone from the male scrotum to a woman with psoriasis is examined in detail. Treatments are either meted out by the doctors or the patients are referred to an authority able to deal with the problem.

A reality show reflecting on an off-screen function like plastic surgery’s popularity is not a new phenomenon however. Everybody remembers how shows like Extreme Makeover and Dr. 90210 decoded plastic surgery for the middle class. Similarly, shows like American Gladiators too brought back the pizzazz that was so missing in exercise and fitness.

It’s all good when you see perfect bodies (some not that perfect thanks to no makeup) on-screen that seems to have ‘imperfections’ that need to be treated. But take time to research your plastic surgery procedure and talk with an experienced plastic surgeon before you decide to have one.

Know more at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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