Friday, May 30, 2008

What’s Good For The Environment - Jogging Or Plastic Surgery?

People have always extolled the good in jogging regularly and keeping the body in shape via religiously exercising, working out, etc.

Start comparing weight loss by jogging to weight loss via plastic surgery and the voice of reason in the room will immediately tell you what’s good for you (viz. exercise). But what the VOR rarely sees is the finer print.

The finer print talks about what exercise and cosmetic surgery respectively do for the environment. In their own way, they can be equally harmful.

Studies found cosmetic surgery procedures like liposuction and tummy tuck- that revolve around fat removal- involve an average of 1000 tons of carbon emission into the atmosphere.

Jogging or walking on the other hand involves consuming food for the energy required to travel. To produce this food, carbon emissions are involved and are present in almost every aspect from transporting the food, to processing it and expelling it, etc.

In his book on How to Live A Low-Carbon Life Chris Goodall has explained this concept very candidly. I would recommend this book for those of you who want to know more about the environment and your role in it.

The good part about plastic surgery is that you can always look for procedures that will allow you to reuse fat in other parts of your body. You can ask the Plastic Surgery Institute of California about how you can go about doing this.

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